Sonia Grafos Recovery LLC
Eating disorders rob you of your sense of connectedness to your body, friends, family, place, and purpose in the world. My job is to guide you back to rediscover life, who you are, and have fun in the process.
How I Can Guide You
Individual Coaching Session
Working through challenges that come up in your recovery and learning new strategies to overcome them. Goal-setting and behavioral changing exercises. Includes text support, communication with treatment team, and caregiver update at time of coaching session as needed.
Shopping Sessions
Clothes and grocery shopping support. Pre-shopping coaching and goal setting. Post-shopping reflection.
* Client is responsible for purchases of meals, groceries, and clothing.
Meal Support Session
Eating a meal or snack with a safe and understanding person who has been there. Challenging food rules. Meals outings for in-person clients. Includes post meal support/reflection and follow-up text support.
Cooking Sessions
Food exposure, preparing, and portioning.includes post outing reflection with coach and follow-up text support.
* Client responsible for purchase of groceries.
Joyful Movement Session
Exposure to exercise in recovery by attending exercise class or exploring movement out in nature. Includes pre and post reflection with coach and follow-up text support.
* Done only when cleared for exercise by treatment team.
Individual meeting, schools, and organizations, includes treatment team meetings, appointment advocate.
Refresh SessionsÂ
For past clients, who are looking for a little support, a pick me up, little reminder for our recovery work together.
Sessions are provided virtually anywhere in the world.
In-person sessions in the Fairfield and New Haven Counties of Connecticut, USA.
Accountability check-ins via text support
Notes from sessions with goals to work towards
Communication with treatment team and caregiver updates as needed
Able to mix and match sessions
Will work with you to create a sessions to fit your needs